Hello and hallo! We are Sachiko and Moritz. Welcome to our blog where we’ll be sharing our journey of building a camper van/truck (TBD) and our one-year climbing adventure on the road. We are located in Toronto (Sachiko, born and raised, and Moritz hails from Munich), so you will see references to the metric system and the Canadian loonie in our posts.
This dream of ours was borne out of our passion for climbing and getting outside. We've happily traded in urban comforts for primitive pursuits, recently wrapping up our SUV rooftop-tent build and road trips.

What originally began as a three-year plan (creatively dubbed our “Grand Plan” to friends and family) with several milestones got fast-forwarded to:
“Why can’t we do this next year?”
When we realized that:
a) Not only were we emotionally and logistically ready; but,
b) We didn’t HAVE to accomplish those milestones before embarking on this adventure.
To clarify, these self-imposed prerequisites were: move out west to Vancouver or Calgary, climb and explore the Rockies and west coast, further our careers, continue saving for the sabbatical, AND THEN build the camper and travel.

When we distilled it down, what we really wanted to do was just BUILD CAMPER, TRAVEL, and CLIMB! Everything else was merely buying us time.
So we decided to cut out the middle chapters, which begs the following question:
“Can we actually do it?”
Emotionally speaking, hell yeah!
We think.
You’re never really ready for decisions like this, but our relationships, jobs, and life things are pretty stable at the moment. There are no big weddings or babies in the horizon. Our families are healthy, we’re healthy, and our climbing fitness, well, that’s as good as it can get for now.
Logistically? Likely.
We have access to tools and a little bit of space for the vehicle. Together, we have a pretty broad range of experience with electronics, plumbing, carpentry, sewing, designing, writing, project management, and financial planning. For everything else, there’s Google.
Financially? Maybe.
This is a moving target and we will continue to save towards this trip during the build-out of the van. We will be tracking all expenditures closely to give you all an insight into our planning and the outcomes. We plan on writing a detailed post about our preliminary financial goals, costs for the build-out, and budget for the year of travel.
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